fire drill training

Is Your Business Fire Safety Compliant?

As a business owner in Maidstone, it’s your responsibility to schedule regular fire safety checks to ensure your commercial premises is compliant with government fire safety guidelines. However, a third of businesses in the UK don’t have a suitable fire risk assessment in place as required.

If you’re unsure whether or not your business is compliant with government fire safety regulations, it’s time to book a fire risk assessment and get an update from your local fire alarm engineers.

Is your company fire safety compliant?

Businesses and landlords with five or more tenants are required by law to have a fire risk assessment strategy in place to keep staff and tenants safe.

However, many businesses don’t have adequate plans in place that include information on fire risks, drills, escape plans, and other essential fire safety information.

This poses a significant risk to employee and customer safety and can lead to substantial fines in the case of a fire.

What is a fire risk assessment?

A risk assessment involves a fire safety engineer visiting your premises and doing a thorough inspection of your alarm system, exits, and fire safety measures.

Once the inspection is complete, you’ll be given a detailed report which outlines any significant risks your property has and how to minimise these.

You’ll also get a fire escape plan, fire prevention strategies, and advice on the equipment you need to make your building compliant.

How to prepare your business for better fire safety

Fire safety should be a top priority for any business owner. To best prepare for fire risks, there are some steps you should take:

  • Schedule a regular fire risk assessment.
  • Book regular fire alarm maintenance to keep your systems working effectively.
  • Provide training to employees on how to prevent false alarms.
  • Conduct regular fire drills so employees know how to react.

Get expert advice from our fire safety engineers

As your local fire alarm installation and maintenance team in Maidstone, our engineers can work with you to create an effective fire safety protocol for your business. This will include an effective fire safety drill, ongoing maintenance and servicing of your system, and a risk assessment to keep your business compliant.

Call our team today and we’ll arrange a free site survey and provide you with a free quote for the project: 01622 882 311


Get in touch with the team.

Call: 01622 882 311